We’re breaking ground and we’re celebrating with another B3 Bash!

Goodwood Museum
Thursday, November 18, 2021
6 to 8 PM
Special Guests:

Honorary Chair
Dr. Jim Murdaugh, President
Tallahassee Community College (TCC)

Chef Extraordinaire
Leon C. Brunson

B3 Bash Auctioneer
Senator Aaron Bean
Entertainment by Brett Wellman & the Stone Cold Blues Band
This year’s event will have fewer guests so that we can provide a safe and inviting environment for our celebration.
Proceeds from the B3 Bash support Independence Landing, a premiere and affordable apartment-style community, providing amenities for adults with a range of cognitive and developmental disabilities. Thanks to the City of Tallahassee, the Florida Housing Finance Corporation and our hundreds of donors, we anticipate opening the doors for our first residents to move-in sometime in January 2023.
To help build our endowment to support all residents for many years to come, we are approaching friends like you to join the B3 Bash as an event sponsor. Your support will not only provide a night of food, music, fun and libations, but we will also celebrate your participation through significant positive exposure before, during, and after the event.
We’re picking up where we left off with our last B3 Bash, back at Goodwood Museum, Thursday, November 18, 2021 from 6-8pm. Please join us and our Honorary Chair, Tallahassee Community College president Jim Murdaugh, as we enjoy great food, drinks, companionship and a moment watching video from our GroundBreaking Event from earlier that week.
This year’s event will have fewer guests so that we can provide a safe and inviting environment for our celebration. We’ll be back with top-flight bourbon, local craft beers, and a delicious selection of culinary masterpieces from our own award-winning Chef Leon C. Brunson.
Proceeds from the B3 Bash support Independence Landing, a premiere and affordable apartment-style community, providing amenities for adults with a range of cognitive and developmental disabilities. Thanks to the City of Tallahassee, the Florida Housing Finance Corporation and our hundreds of donors, we anticipate opening the doors for our first residents to move-in sometime in January 2023.
To help build our endowment to support all residents for many years to come, we are approaching friends like you to join the B3 Bash as an event sponsor. Your support will not only provide a night of food, music, fun and libations, but we will also celebrate your participation through significant positive exposure before, during, and after the event. Attached is a list of sponsorship opportunities, along with the donation form. Please feel free to contact any of us directly with questions or concerns.
We look forward to working with you to make this third year of the B3 Bash even more successful.
Ticket information will be available soon.
Thank You to Our Sponsors
B3 Bash Sponsorship Levels & Benefits
Presenting Sponsor
Four (4) reserved parking spaces at the event
Full year recognition on all IL materials
Ten (10) seat table at event
Full Page Ad in 2021 B3 Bash program
Logo on event tickets
Speaking opportunity during the dining experience
Product placement opportunity throughout the event
Logo or name on Auction page
Recognition in 2021 B3 Bash program
Recognition B3 event signage, website, on social media, and Auction screen during event
Brick Paver at Independence Landing dedicated in your honor; these bricks will be among the first set, thereby laying the foundation for the community
Bubbles Sponsor
Ten (10) seat table at event
Half Page Ad in 2021 B3 Bash program
Logo or name on Auction page
Logo or name on Cocktail Sponsor signage
Recognition in 2021 B3 Bash program
Recognition on B3 event signage, website, social media, and Auction screen during event
Brick Paver at Independence Landing dedicated in your honor; these bricks will be among the first set, thereby laying the foundation for the community
Bites Sponsor
Four (4) tickets to the event
Recognition in 2021 B3 Bash program
Recognition in 2021 B3 Bash program
Recognition on B3 event signage, website, social media, and Auction screen during event
Brick Paver at Independence Landing dedicated in your honor; these bricks will be among the first set, thereby laying the foundation for the community
Brews Sponsor
Two (2) tickets to the event
Recognition in 2021 B3 Bash program
Recognition on B3 event signage, website, social media, and Auction screen during event
Brick Paver at Independence Landing dedicated in your honor; these bricks will be among the first set, thereby laying the foundation for the community
All proceeds go to the establishment of Independence Landing, Tallahassee’s first residential community with amenities for adults with a range of cognitive and physical abilities. Independence Landing is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.