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Brick by brick ...

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Help us lay the foundation to build an independent living opportunity.

Independence Landing is a nonprofit corporation, the mission of which is to build an affordable and safe residential community for adults with a range of cognitive and physical abilities, allowing residents to successfully lead independent and fulfilled lives.

The reason Independence Landing is so important is because of a startling new fact. This generation of people with disabilities is the first generation to routinely outlive their parents. When the last parent dies, the disabled person is generally displaced to another family member, if there is one or to a group home or nursing home. Independence Landing is a less expensive, middle option — an apartment or townhouse style community with amenities for people with disabilities, with modest supports, so that those who are not medically fragile and not in need of 24/7 care or supervision, can have independent, meaningful lives.

This is a growing societal need that we must address. And your help is critical.

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